Dr Stephan Singer of Germany has worked for the Climate Action Network-International (CAN-I) secretariat since 2016. The CAN community has almost 2000 members in more than 130 countries composed of environmental, developmental, science, climate and social justice, faith, regional and local CSO. Stephan is Senior Advisor for CAN-I’s Climate Science and Global Energy Policy. He is a regular external reviewer of the IPCC documents and the IEA World Energy Outlook. Stephan works with his team on science-based policy in line with equity and a Just Transition for deep global emission reductions of 50% in this decade until 2030 in line with a 1.5°C trajectory and a net-zero planet by latest 2050. Stephan is heading the recently founded Platform of Action (PoA) for renewables in CAN. The work focuses on a rapid growth of sustainable renewables (mainly solar, wind, geothermal), combined with strong energy efficiency. The CAN community works in alliance with partners such as Indigenous populations, trade unions, progressive industries, faith groups and scientists. CAN strongly supports the call by developing countries for significant growth of climate funding to poor countries for both adaptation and mitigation to climate change. Before joining CAN, Stephan worked 30 years for World Wildlife Fund, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the primary German development agency, and as a freelance journalist. He has a PhD in soil physics on the carbon cycle in semi-arid developing countries. Stephan was a well-known anti-nuclear activist in Germany with Robin Wood.
Dr. Stephan Singer
Advisory Board Member