Besides cutting methane emissions, how else can we reduce atmospheric methane levels?

The strongest approach to reducing methane levels is to do two things: cut methane emissions wherever we can, and where we can’t, develop the capability to remove excess methane near emissions sources and in the ambient atmosphere.

Methane Action works to evaluate methane removal technologies according to safety, effectiveness, equity, scalability, affordability, and other vital considerations, and to advance best governance practices for methane removal. Scientists in our networks are researching several potentially scalable methane removal technologies. 

Methane Action’s mission is to pursue the science and policy advances needed, under careful global governance, to rapidly restore atmospheric concentrations (currently around 1900 parts per billion)  to pre-industrial levels (around 700 ppb).  To facilitate this, we are exploring a variety of methane removal methods. For a catalog of promising methane removal technologies we think warrant further research and development, click here.  

Developing methane removal technologies could change the methane budget math, transform current climate projections, and also equip us to deal with the possibility of a methane burst.

Methane Action is unique; it’s the leading NGO pursuing methane removal, and the only one with the goal of restoring atmospheric methane to pre-industrial levels. We see deep methane emissions reduction and methane removal as complementary.  Both are mission-critical for lowering atmospheric methane concentrations to safe levels.

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